When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. Ayurvedic Proverb

What it means to be healthy?

Eating healthy is not about eating fruits and vegetables all the time; it is about comsuming a well-balanced diet that incorporates all your needed nutrients. I am hoping thie website will inspire you yo make fundamental changes to your lifestyle. So that you can LIVE RIGHT!

Unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are leading causes of death in the U.S. According to Center For Science in Public Interest, unhealthy diet contributes to 678,000 deaths in the U.S.

Food is not all about physique!!

Being thin doesn't necessarily mean being healthy. Some people can eat so much and still maintain their current weight because of their fast metabolism, but this does not mean that they are healthy. Thin individuals that have unhealthy relationship with food can develp diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Food and History.

For decades, food abundance has been associated with wealth. People were pround of how much body fat they have, but as science advanced, our perception of nutrition and food altered. Food is the source of many complications and problems in the live of many people. Unhealthy relationship with food can promote serious heath complications, such as cardiovascular diseases and strokes.


Hi. My name is Rite. I was motivated to make this website because I am fascinated at how our food intake can effect our bdoies on all different levels. I got into nutrition couple of years ago when I sought to loss a couple of pounds, but I came to realize that our relationship with food is not just reflected in our physique. Food can effect our brain, mood, energy, and how even how our skin looks.